The corporate brand for The Visual Chemist.

Aegis Care Advisors
Aegis Care Advisors serves those who need assistance caring for themselves. They needed an updated logo that did not only convey that they did home care but also conveyed that they have doctors available for medical consultation. They were looking for a bolder more contemporary feel. A logo that portrayed their confidence in the care they provide. Their existing logo is shown below and to the right are some of the other logos shown during the exploratory.

Coke wanted this newly acquired brand to capture a slightly older audience than it was doing with its current graphics. We did this by creating a sophisticated clean bright look yet keeping the playfulness of the product. Below are more samples of the exploratory.

Bacardi POS
An exploratory for a Bacardi point-of-sale poster to re-emphasize the fact that Bacardi and Coke have a long time history, dating back to the American-Spanish War and that Bacardi was the original rum of the Cuba Libre.

Clintonhill Corn Whiskey
A Brooklyn blended un-aged flavored whiskey. In the brand-mark we evoke the beautiful iron work that is so prominent in the Clintonhill neighborhood. Trying to create a mark that looks like it should be made of iron. We also created the top of the label to mimic the shape of the gates to the old mansions found in the area. Creating a confident elegance... Clintonhill Corn Whiskey.

Nicklaus Golf Equipment
Nicklaus Golf Equipment wanted to restage their corporate brand to reflect their position as one of the technical leaders in the growing golf industry. Marketing at Nicklaus didn't feel that Jack Nicklaus' Golden Bear was expressing the changes happening within the company or the industry. The final brand mark ended up being a salute to the grace and elegance of the legendary swing of Jack Nicklaus. And below are some examples of the exploratory shown to the brand team.

Hazy Apple Hard Cider
A sample of some of the branding created during the phase one design exploratory for Hazy Apple Hard Cider. We created a bold branding graphic to be hero, incorporating the flavor in the brand mark to give a strong big brand feel for this newcomer in the category.

Hormel: Pepperoni
Hormel was looking to create a more impactful shelf presence. We created a very vibriant line of products and tried to simplify the graphics to get away from the potato chip/junk food look that it currently had. Within the bold and unapologetic “P” initial we tried to list other cooking suggestions for the consumer showing that this could be an ingredient as well as a snack.

Vincent Benjamin
A quality recruitment firm looking for a contemporary brand mark to convey the confidence they feel in their company and the people that they represent. Below are some examples of the design exploratory.

Brooklyn Republic Vodka Gift Pack
BRV asked us to create a gift pack that showcased the brand without breaking the bank. We took this challenge designing a pack incorporating a beautiful industrial feel while also being GREEN. We achieved this aesthetic by stamping only white and black ink directly on the cardboard gift box and then hand applying stickers to illustrate the other flavored vodkas included in the pack. This packaging stands out on the shelf utilizing clean bold graphics clearly separating itself from the glitz and glitter of most holiday gift packs.

The owner of this downtown lounge wanted to express his lounge’s hip middle-eastern flavor in an own-able logo that could later be used for merchandising.

Brooklyn Republic Vodka Bus Ad
An exploratory for Brooklyn Republic Vodka's bus ad campaign.

Homicide: Life on the Streets
In this specialty package containing the complete 7 seasons and bonus material of this award-winning NBC show we recreated a working file cabinet that mimics the iconic one that existed in the Baltimore Homicide Dept. Each box or “homicide folder” contained a full season with a divider card between sets with episode descriptions and photos from that season. Because of the lack of art other than screen grabs, this design worked very well creating an own-able look and feel without the added expense of a new photo shoot.

Some of our illustrations

The Kids in the Hall: The Complete Series
The legendary Canadian-bred comic prodigies THE KIDS IN THE HALL stretched sketch comedy to its ultimate limits with hilariously off-the-wall results. This being said, we knew we had to show more than just the cast photos we were provided, we had to create a vehicle, as wacky, to show many of their bizarre sketches prominently on the covers.

Maurice Villency wanted their corporate mark to reflect their growing position as not only makers of finely crafted furniture but one that would show their design-forward thinking and their understanding of furniture as fashion for the home. Below are some other branding concepts shown in the exploratory.

Casarena Estate Wine Redesign
A few examples of the phase one design exploratory for a redesign of Casarena Estate Bottled line of wine. We set out to create a more youthful and approachable bottle label. Also creating bold graphics and using brighter “south-american” colors to make the brand pop on-shelf.

Gangland, it’s a reality beyond vicious—and it’s alive and well in cities and towns across America. And because of legal reasons we could not show any recognizable gangs or gang members on the cover. Also History did not want to show any guns or drugs on the cover. This tied our hands a bit while doing the creative, but I think we were still able to create very compelling DVD covers for all of the individual seasons.

Brooklyn Republic Vodka POS
A promotional POS poster we created to showcase the launch of four new exciting flavors of Brooklyn Republic Vodka, also designed by The Visual Chemist.

Ancient Aliens: The Complete Series
We created all the keyart for this line using royalty free imagery. Nothing was provided by the client.

House of the Witchdoctor Press Kit
A press kit for independent horror film.

MLB: 100 Years of Wrigley
Here is a sample of an exploratory for a title which highlighted one of America's oldest ballfields. In the exploratory we tried to show some designs that evoked a feeling of looking to the future and some that focused more on the field’s rich nostalgia. Below is the final keyart approved for this title.

A sample of some of the MLB Home Entertainment titles we created for MLB